Seattle… Progressively Ignorant and Staged Rage

Blast from the past under Obama and his sending of the lunatics out…. same area different street area of Capitol Hill while I was visiting Seattle…..

Take a Bath… OWS Seattle Trash!

I couldn’t even bear to take pictures of the vermin… oops, I mean… squatting squalor skiddies in their Seattle prime time slime pit last night…

It isn’t cool, it never was. Employers who are hiring workers do not make the rounds or network in stank tent cities. NASTY!

……9 years later (same conditions) a few blocks over…. please scroll through the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, lots of Democratic tooled real estate transactions going on and of course the same minions are agitating blessed by their Mayor, and the Governor of Washington State, and soooooooo Obama reared! Same O, same O!

Screenshot 2020-06-15 at 9.46.59 PM - Edited

Current pictures above on display in the blog entry:

CHS Pics | Counting victories after an 18-day battle and a week holding valuable territory on Capitol Hill

Isn’t it interesting that the term “valuable territory” is used in the blog article title?
Will detail more of the “transactions due to staged transgressions” in the upcoming days.

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